Weather for Spain

by ID Mobile SA



Weather forecast LIVE detailed and updated in real time by MeteoNews for Spain

Find quickly and easily every day the weather forecast for Spain supervised 24/24 by MeteoNews and updated in real time! - Video weather presented by weather experts three times a day- Weather forecast for the morning / afternoon / evening / night- Rainfall radar- Value of forecast reliability - Probability of sunshine and precipitations- Perceived temperature - Average, mimimum and maximum temparature- Wind force, wind direction, gust force - Limit of snowfall - Limit zero degrees - Fog - Graphics- Humidity and pressureExposure for 10 days in landscape mode. Choosing your city and even the smallest villages around the world!Content delivered by MeteoNewsMore details about in-app purchases

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Seems to be accurate when used at various locations

Nigel Bowyer


Henry Villapando

No sunrise and sunset times..


Not good before, unusable now after update. Pages wouldn't load (spun forever), and the radar showed a very zoomed out version of Europe, including almost the Arctic circle, and Northern Africa. And there was no way to zoom in. I tried literally everything. Was hoping maybe updating would fix it but now it wont even get past the intro screen.

Edward M

This is the best weather app I have found in Spain 90% accurate!

Ken North

Fantastic best app been using for a long time. Very accurate 😁

Gary Jones

I bought a subscription for add free version but I am still getting adds. Have tried it on my brand new phone as well as old tablet. Cancelled subscription

Susan Chambers

To global information. Given by 6 hours, not by the hour. Example min 14 and max 19 between 6 and 12 a.m. loading pages takes a while . Pitty


Good graphics!

Timothy Collingwood

Very reliable

Jenny Dymond